

May this poem find you, after you have had a hard day at work, and it is 12 am and you cannot sleep.

I hope it finds you,
after you've been told for the 10th time that day,
to not think so much,
and you I haven't been able to tell them that it doesn't work that way.

I hope this poem finds you,
a little less harsh to yourself.
For being a little late,
exhausted, not eager for tomorrow.

If you read this,
after everyone has told you,
it is all in your head,
and how you make things so difficult,
with your questions and constant self-doubt,
and why can't you just get it under control,
know that this is not another poem urging you to believe in human kindness.

If this poem finds you,
after the person you love,
has just made you feel like disappearing is an option,
or your mother has blamed all the things going wrong in your life,
on your emotions,
or there has been a huge issue at your workplace,
or if you came home to a full house,
planning to hide,
but now cannot.

If you think that any person loving you,
is doing you a favour,
or if you had a strange urge to cry on the middle of the road.

If you told someone about exactly what is hurting you,
and they told you about how others have it harder,
and a smile can solve it all.

If there is any grief here,
right from the bedsheets stinking of food,
to lost metaphors,
to a slap you didn't deserve,
to losing to life and death.

I hope this poem finds you,
I hope you are listening.

Please stay. The sun will shine on! 

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